Sunday, September 19, 2010


ok i just truly started to listening to eminem over the last few weeks.  Before the last few weeks when people asked me if i liked him i would be like yea hes allright or hes ok, but i truly did not no what i thought.  So i have listened to every one of his cd's ep's mixtapes, and i have completely changed my opinion of him.  i probably didnt listen to him because he was white, and he was trying to go hard at the same time, and i regret that decision .  He is one of the most hardcore rappers in the game, and your a idiot if you dont relize this your retarted.  he is not the same harcore as the gangbangers and the trap stars.  He is hard core because he doesnt care what people think and he says what he wants.  No other rapper would say what he would say on cd's like curtain call, or slim shady ep.  It shouldnt haave mattered if he is white.  His lyrical game is absolutely amazing.  he could rip apart 98% of rappers out there.  Im not one of those people who thinks he is the best but hes up their.  just because he is mainstream doesnt mean you cant be good.  Eminem is amazing and if you where like me a couple weeks ago just listen to his early stuff and realize how crazy he was and how amazing he is still to this day.

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